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Macleania insignis
Mart. & Gal. Ericaceae. BLM 0628. Native from Mexico to Guatemala in the eastern sierra cloud forests. Epiphytic a…
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Macleania insignis
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Pachypodium rosulatum
Yellow flowers after 2-3 years old Bac. NW & SW Madagascar. Flask-shaped until old, then many branched. Pa…
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Pachypodium rosulatum
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Pachypodium saundersii
White flowers in the fall. (N.E. Br.) Rowl S. Zimbabwe to Natal. Grows to .8m wide. Very easy of culture and fast g…
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Pachypodium saundersii
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Musa sumatrana 'Zebrina', ' Rojo'
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Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy'
Neoregelia 'Fireball'
Opuntia subarmata
Echeveria hybrids
Hatiora salicornioides
Ipomoea pubescens
Lewisia columbiana v. columbiana
Musa basjoo
Canna musifolia 'Red'
Macleania insignis