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Aloe cooperi- a grass Aloe that is hardy to around 10*f. Blooms in summer with yellow and orange flowers. These plants a…
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Adenia fruiticosa
Green flowers, orange fruit. Davy Transvaal, S. Africa. Grows a greenish, large fat caudex to 1m wide, leaves a…
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Adenia fruiticosa
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Agapetes serpens
Ericaceae. A very attractive epiphyte native to the Himalayas Mts. that grows a very large tuber and has very attr…
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Agapetes serpens
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Aloe inyangensis
A rare ‘grass aloe’. Christian A rare ‘grass aloe’ named for its grass-like leaves. Native to the highland Inya…
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Aloe inyangensis
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Bursera cinerea
In our experience this it the fastest and largest growing Bursera we have grown. It is similar to B. simaruba, but is qu…
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Bursera cinerea
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Bursera excelsa v. acutidens
Pinnate, pubescent leaves, gray trunk. (Sprague & Riley) Mcvaugh & Rzed. BLM 0174 Barra de Nativad, Jalisco. Seedling…
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Bursera excelsa v. acutidens
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Bursera galeottiana
This plant is very suitable for bonsai training as it has finely divided pinnate leaves with red peeling bark. Native to…
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Bursera galeottiana
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Bursera glabrifolia
Glaborous, dentate pinnate leaves with gray bark. (HBK) Engl. BLM 1306 Sierra San Pedro, Oax. A wide-spread mountai…
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Bursera glabrifolia
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Bursera grandifolia
(Schlet.) Engl. Section Bursera. Green trunk with reddish maroon peeling bark. Green trunks often glaucas. Wide s…
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Bursera grandifolia
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Bursera mirandae
Has slightly peeling red bark. Toledo Section Bullockia. BLM 1559 Native to Oaxaca and Puebla. Has slightly p…
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Bursera mirandae
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Bursera schlectendalii
Engl. Grows in tropical deciduous forest primarily in western and central Mexico. Only grows to 2m high and is a natu…
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Bursera schlectendalii
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Bursera vasquesyansii
This plant has orange peeling bark with pinnate lanciolate leaves. lis native to a small area south of Puerta Vallarta, …
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Bursera vasquesyansii
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Aechmea mulfordii
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Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy'
Neoregelia 'Fireball'
Opuntia subarmata
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Hatiora salicornioides
Ipomoea pubescens
Lewisia columbiana v. columbiana
Musa basjoo
Canna musifolia 'Red'
Macleania insignis